A week hiatus

Hey folks, I’m going to take the next week off from the newsletter. As a bit of an update, I have a few interviews already in the last stages, so hopefully some of them pan out in August.

Today will be a super quick newsletter.

Every dev, sooner or later, will hear the phrase “let’s rewrite”. When a rewrite starts to permeate the minds of the team, it can indicate, among other things, that coding new functionality in the application at a good pace is getting close to impossible, what could be a simple change takes significantly more time.

I remember vividly the frustration of trying to add a button and a few other simple things to a page and taking almost a week on it.

Execution without strategy is wasteful and tragic. Just as “Companies that have the best products, most talented people, and fastest growth are precisely the ones for which moats are most important,” companies that are the best at execution are precisely the ones for which strategy is most important. They’re the only ones that have a shot.

Many startups and founders swear by the mantra of “execution is everything”, forgetting that knowing in which direction to go and to use all that execution juice is equally relevant. Probably if more startups thought about strategy a bit more and did more discovery (talking to users, assessing their problems, testing assumptions and business ideas…) they would have more probability of success and reduce burnout.


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